October 5 – December 7, 2020

Andrew Prayzner

Morning, 2018

Oil on linen

20 x 16 inches

Andrew Prayzner

Fortress, 2017 - 2019

Oil on linen

20 x 16 inches

Heidi Norton

Atholgorithm of a Lilac, 2018

Wax, glass, photographic print on vinyl, plants, marble platform

18 x 24 x 9 inches

Heidi Norton

Cymbals and Combs, 2019

Acrylic, resin, bamboo, glass, 4 x 5 color transparency film, wall shelf

14 x 11 inches

Reed Anderson

Mint Time, 2020

Acrylic and collage on cut paper

32 1/2 x 30 1/2 inches

Matthew F Fisher

The Sunset, 2017

Acrylic on canvas

20 x 16 inches

Samantha Bittman

Untitled, 2020

Acrylic on handwoven textile (hand-dyed cotton)

16 x 12 inches

Liz Nielsen

Volcano Land, 2017

Analog chromogenic photogram, on fujiflex, unique

17 x 26 inches

Benny Merris

An Other Another 107, 2018

Archival Inkjet Print

40 x 30 inches

1 of 3

Kristen Schiele

Sisters, 2020

acrylic, oil on custom panel

30 x 20 inches

Javier Piñón

Golden Boy, 2019


20 1/2 x 17 1/4 inches

Javier Piñón

We Shall By Morning Inherit the Earth, 2019


 24 1/2 x 20 inches

Brandon Johnson

How do you sleep at night?, 2020

oil on canvas

10 x 10 inches

Brandon Johnson

Untitled, 2019

oil on canvas

28 x 32 inches

Erik den Breejen

Under the Canopy, 2017

acrylic on linen

14 x 16 inches

Nick Farhi

Honey Bears, 2020

Oil, pastel,spray enamel on aluminum

16 x 16 inches

Eric Hibit

Cake O'Clock, 2020

Acrylic on canvas

20 1/4 x 17 1/4 inches

Richard Tinkler

Le Tombeau de Gershom Scholem, 2020

oil on canvas

14 x 11 inches

Langdon Graves

Empress, 2019

Graphite, soft pastel, paper and mylar

20 x 16 in

Maria Calandra

Untitled (Maine VII), 2020

Acrylic on canvas

20h x 16w inches

Roxanne Jackson

Lips Vase, 2020

Ceramic, glaze, luster

16 x 7 1/2 inches

Andy Wilhelm

Purple Fern, 2020

Scagliola plaster, pigments

18 3/4 x 5 1/2 x 3 3/4 inches

Dave Choi

Pinocchio, 2019

Bark and glue

13 x 8 inches

Robin Kang

Light Intel, 2020

Hand Jacquard woven cotton, metallic iridescent yarns and mixed media (double sided)

54 x 54 inches

Edwina White

Carapace, 2019

Acrylic and pencil and collage on paper

18 x 13 inches

Edwina White

Holi, 2019

Acrylic paint, pencil and bindi on paper

20 x 15 inches

Framed: 20h x 15w in

Edwina White

Dusk, 2019

Acrylic on paper

18 x 13 inches

Edwina White

Phloem, 2020

Paint, pencil and collage on paper

29 x 21 1/2 inches

John Spinks

Migration, 2020

Acrylic on paper

32 x 24 1/2 inches

Stephan Coppola

Silos, 2020

Acrylic on canvas

20 x 16 inches

Nick Farhi

Gardner, 2020

Oil, pastel,spray enamel on aluminum

16 x 24 inches

Press Release

TILLOU FINE ART presents MAGIC EDGE: a group exhibition installed at the Troutbeck hotel exploring magic and nuance. MAGIC EDGE presents the views of 24 artists working across a variety of mediums including painting, photography, and sculpture, to image concepts that push the boundaries of reality and look toward the ethereal, the possible, and the unknown.
The works in the exhibition play with abstraction to envision continuations of our reality. Whether it is an overlapping contour such as Kristen Schiele, Liz Nielsen and Samantha Bittman, or a surrealist border as in Langdon Graves, they all have a play on edge or a magical undertone. Magic ranges in the works from Robin Kang's mystical technology in her weaving, to tree spirits in Dave Choi’s wooden masks, to many of the works having spiritual visionary components such as Matthew Fisher. Benny Merris’s body art photo, Maria Calandra’s painting, and Javier Piñón’s mushroom collage are all very shamanistic where magic meets the earth.




Reed Anderson
Samantha Bittman
Erik den Breejen
Maria Calandra
Dave Choi
Stephen Coppola
Nick Farhi
Matthew Fisher
Langdon Graves
Eric Hibit
Roxanne Jackson
Brandon Johnson
Robin Kang
Benny Merris
Liz Nielsen
Heidi Norton
Javier Piñón
Andrew Prayzner
Kristen Schiele
John Spinks
Catherine Tillou
Richard Tinkler
Edwina White
Andy Wilhelm

Curated by Michelle Tillou and Andy Cross

For inquiries or to make an appointment for a tour of the exhibition contact Michelle Tillou: or 917-912-3922

 Other artists such as Reed Anderson, John Spinks and Richard Tinkler are more formal and abstract, showing elements of supernatural subtlety or optical transcendent forms. Heidi Norton’s glass sculpture expands the concept using foraged materials and, on the opposite spectrum, Nick Farhi’s painterly fairy-tale unicorn stands with Brandon Johnson’s painting of a girl being magically lifted up while sleeping. Erik den Breejen plays with scale shifts and alternate ways of reading, teasing an alternate perception of reality and sometimes pushing legibility to the limit.
Another theme within the exhibition explores the lives and energies of the living things and objects that surround us. Edwina White's work catapults fully into the realm of the imagination, manifesting amalgams of botanical and biological forms, as if exquisite corpses are floating in outer space. The mouth studded lip vase by Roxanne Jackson, with grimacing gold teeth, rides on the edge of the subconscious, reminiscent of a psychedelic trip, or a vision inspired by magic.