BRIAN DETTMER is known for his artwork that involves the alteration of information media. A large body of his current work is created by altering vintage books and assembling sets of books into intricate and innovative sculptures. After carefully selecting the source and subject for his investigations, Dettmer determines the architecture of construction and aesthetics of presentation for his altered book artworks. Then, with the perspective of an archeologist, vision of an explorer and precision of a surgeon, using scalpels and X-acto blades, he selectively only removes, exposes and seals existing images and information to propose new conceptual contexts and map new visual journeys.
Dettmer has received international recognition, with his work being exhibited at museums throughout North America and Europe including the Museum of Arts and Design (NY), The Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian Institute (DC), Museum of Contemporary Art (GA), Chicago Cultural Center (IL), and Museum Rijswijk (Netherlands); and with solo gallery exhibitions in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Miami, Atlanta and Barcelona. His work has been featured on the CBS Evening News, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, Chicago Tribune, Art News, Modern Painters, Wired, and National Public Radio.